We are in the hosting business for a long time and virtualisation has always been a big point of interest.

We provided private solutions for various clients both in Xen based solutions, Vmware, VirtualBox, KVM, and container technologies. Some solutions provide cloud infrastructures, others more simple but more cost effective solutions.

We believe that virtualisation is the future in all fields starting from desktops and applications and ending with very complicated setups of web clusters or clouds.

Whatever your project is, there are good chances that the technology is advanced enough that you can move it to a virtualised solution
and never think again about hardware!

Our company is based in Romania in Eastern Europe. Our timezone is GMT+2.

You can reach us at the following email addresses:
support@altdc.ro – for support mails
contact@altdc.ro – for general inquiries
office@altdc.ro – for office related mails
billing@altdc.ro – for the billing department

or by telephone at: +40743-701-675
or by snail mail at: 42 Cardinal Iuliu Hossu, Cluj Napoca, Romania

We are a registered VAT paying company under the EU laws with the following data:
SC Neopro Altdc SRL, VAT Number: RO 39737840 
Fiscal Number: J12/1312/2018

Bank account at ING Bank, Cluj Napoca
IBAN RON: RO60INGB0000999908135124